Urgent Medical Courier Service

Our medical couriers offer express courier transport from Northern Brisbane to the Gold Coast and Tweed Heads. 

You can customise your therapy, pharmaceutical, equipment and specimen delivery using our well-versed management team and flexible technology. Our medical courier service is sure to fulfil your transport needs.

We strive to provide high quality and trustworthy medical delivery services, which is why our average customer relationship duration is over a decade. We approach every task with excellence and care because we know that we are not only delivering any specimen but also delivering life. If you’re looking for an experienced medical courier company and don’t know where to start, you can contact our friendly team who will talk you through the whole process and help to ensure your express medical delivery is on time every time.

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Enquire About Our Medical Courier Service

About Medical Couriers

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At SUB60, our team infuse care into every specimen we deliver, which is critical for our clients and the residents of the community. We highly understand the time-sensitive need to deliver these specimens and medical equipment to the correct location at the agreed time.

Our deliveries are proven to be highly reliable and efficient, but also flexible enough to meet our customers’ needs. We will deliver these medical equipment, samples, goods, and other medical supplies in a timely manner. All our drivers and vehicles are well equipped for the job, so whatever your delivery needs, we can cater for it.

If you need to send a large package or even need to send a package which requires refrigeration, our team has the equipment to do the job. We offer refrigerated services and can help you transport large packages, so no job is too big or too small for us.

Types of Medical Transport

Specimen Transport

Our medical courier service can help with any specimen transport that you need anywhere in the South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales region – from Brisbane to the Gold Coast and Tweed Heads.

Cryogenic Transport

SUB60 Couriers also offer cryogenic transport using our high-end technology system to maintain the required temperature while in transit.

Pharmaceutical Transport

Our medical courier service caters to pharmaceutical transport, so we can provide pharmaceutical supplies to our community pharmacies.

Blood Transport

SUB60 medical courier services also cater to blood product transportations anywhere from Brisbane to the Gold Coast and Tweed Heads. Your patients’ blood products are safe with us.

Therapy Transport

Whether you need a therapy transport for a clinical trial, infusion, equipment or pharmaceutical, our delivery service can do all that for you. You can have your medical equipment picked up and delivered to your home or business with the help of your reliable drivers.

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